Thursday, May 17, 2007

It's everywhere but hitting the fan

A New Parent's Dialogue:

Two Weeks
Debbi (upstairs, changing the baby): "She pooooooped!!"
Cory (downstairs, now running up): "Alright! Finally."
"Be sure we mark it down."
"How long has it been?"
"Uh, that was a whole day. Hopefully she will start going more often."
"How many pees today?"
"Um,the tally says six."

Six Months
Cory: "She pooped."
Debbi: "Again? That's like five times today"
"Maybe we are feeding her too much."
"Maybe. It is orange."
"Like the sweet potatoes."
"Uh huh."

Eight Months
Debbi "She's pooping."
Cory: "Already? We're still in the driveway."
"I told you, the carseat has a laxative effect"
"Should we go back inside?"
"No, we'll just change her at my mom's. She's still working on it."
"Maybe we should put the seat more upright."

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