Friday, April 6, 2007

Overtired Baby: Exhibit A

Overtired Baby: Exhibit A

WARNING: Content of this video may not be suitable for those with sensitive ears

In a rash and selfish decision by her parents, Rachel was kept up past her bedtime in the interest of having dinner out with friends. Above is a sample of the retribution we received on the drive home (for 20 WHOLE minutes with the windows rolled up moving slowly through a construction zone , I might add).

Conversation in the front seat:

“Wow, that is impressive.”

“Yeah. It is piercing.”

“She sounds like a Ringwraith.”

“Right. If it had landed on your shoulder and was screaming down your neck.”

“Hmmm. Or like someone is poking her with thousands of tiny needles. “

“Uh Huhh.”

“She has been doing that to Smokey lately, only with shrieking laughter.”

“Hmmm. No wonder he doesn’t like her anymore.”

As you can see from the video, she was still screaming when we got home and started to undress her for bed. We skipped the bath.

For those who do not believe in the god of bedtime, I am here to say that he lives. And he hath no mercy.

We plan to loop the sound on this video several times and save it as a punishment technique when Rachel is 13. Talking back gets five minutes of scream-time, worse offenses longer. I cannot wait.

At least the company was good and my steak salad was delicious. Cory also thoroughly enjoyed his beer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We are big believers in the god of bedtime. Glad to see that Susanna isn't the only screamer.